New standard on car body reflection emblems
By Rong Xiandong (
Updated: 2006-09-09 09:31

Sources from the China Automotive Technology and Research Center said the government is drafting new national standards for car body reflection emblems and the criteria are expected to be publicized next year.

Wu Wei, head of the center's research institute for national auto standardization, said the Ministry of Public Security and the auto research center began to make efforts for the drafting of the new standards. Directed by the National Development and Reform Commission, the ministry is mainly in charge of the endeavor, with support from the auto center and participation from experts in the industry and auto manufacturers.

New standards are needed as the current regulations are not as effective as expected and are not being earnestly implemented. The ineffectiveness results from the lack of coordination and communication between the Ministry of Public Security, the drafter of the rules, and auto manufacturers, the target of the rules.


The full text is available in the September Issue ofAutoChina.

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