Major activities of the 2nd CISOCC
(China Daily)
Updated: 2009-06-22 15:51

Major activities of the 2nd CISOCC
The American delegation arrives in Nanjing for the 2009 service outsourcing forum.

Date: June 23-24, 2009

Place: Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China

Reception banquet

Time: 18-19:30, June 22

Venue: Zhongshan Hall, Jinling Hotel, Nanjing

Organizers: The Jiangsu provincial government, the Nanjing municipal government

Participants: National, ministry and provincial-level senior officials, mayors, foreign embassy officials, domestic and foreign business leaders

Opening ceremony and thematic forums

Time: 9:30-12:30, June 23

Venue: Zhongshan Hall, Convention Center, Nanjing International Expo Center

Brief introduction: Discussion on outsourcing industry development, market development, protection of intelligent property rights, talent training, etc.

Keynote speakers: Senior executives from Chinese and leading foreign enterprises in the service outsourcing sectors

Service outsourcing model city forum

Time: 14:30-16:00, June 23

Venue: Nanjing Jinling Convention Center

Participants: Officials from the Foreign Capital Department of the Ministry of Commerce, Enterprise Department of the Ministry of Finance, Taxation Department of the Ministry of Finance, Policy Department of the State Administration of Taxation, New and Hi-tech Department of the Ministry of Technology, Industry Coordination Department of the National Reform and Development Commission, Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education, Labor Relationship Department of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Finance Department of People's Bank of China, Processing Trade Department of the General Administration of Customs, China Banking Regulatory Commission and China Insurance Regulatory Commission.

Topics: Analysis on relevant policies, especially the nation's new policies for the promotion of the service outsourcing industries; an explanation on Jiangsu's new incentive measures for the industry; a memorandum-signing ceremony for the establishment of a service outsourcing base in Jiangsu.

Service outsourcing leading enterprises forum

Time: 9:00-17:00, June 24

Venue: Yangtze River Hall, Nanjing Jinling Convention Center

Participants: Officials from the Ministry of Commerce, the Jiangsu provincial government, the Nanjing municipal government, CCPIT, top executives from the model service outsourcing cities and bases and enterprises, Top 10 leaders of service outsourcing companies, representatives of media outlets.

Activities: Announcement of the results of the evaluation of China's leading service outsourcing enterprises; study and discussion on successful cases of leading enterprises.

Service outsourcing celebrity forum

Time: 14:00-17:00, June 24

Venue: Zijin Hall of Nanjing Zijin Hotel

Participants: Chinese Economists 50 Forum ("50 Forum"), a group created in June 1998 by established Chinese economists who share the common vision of devoting their studies to research into China's economic issues. During the conference, leading economists from the "50 Forum" will gather in Nanjing to discuss the challenges facing a number of Chinese cities, especially Nanjing, in developing service outsourcing industries. Speakers include Wu Jinglian, Hong Yinxing, Cao Yuanzheng, Chen Dongqi, Li Xiaoxi, Tang Min, Song Xiaowu, Zuo Xiaolei and Xu Shanda.

Outsourcing business match-making meeting

Time: 14:00-17:00, June 23

Venue: Hall A, Nanjing International Expo Center

Activities: Some 80 international enterprises will participate in this meeting. The organizing committee has arranged a number of matchmaking opportunities based on the requirements of domestic and foreign enterprises.


Time: June 23 to 24

Venue: Hall A, Nanjing International Expo Center

Major activities of the 2nd CISOCC
Both foreign visitors and local residents enjoy a strong feeling of brotherhood and kinship when visiting Nanjing - hence its globally-renowned repute as the "City of Brotherly Love".

Major activities of the 2nd CISOCC
Nanjing by night: ancient capital and utterly modern metropolis.


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