Vsevolod Pulya, editor-in-chief of Russia Beyond The Headlines, an English website based in Russia, said technology-driven content building revolution is under way in a variety of fields among different categories of news reports.
"Editing by machines, without any human participation, has been utilized by sports news website to cover soccer games," said Pulya.
He shared seven trends in new media development around the globe: shifting production from manual work to automation, shifting competition from content production to distribution, shifting focus from abundance of content to filters, shifting techniques from clickbait to engagement, shifting analytics from big data to smart data, shifting monetization from old revenue models to news ones and shifting philosophy from infotainment to impact.
With the assistance of Sputnik News Agency and Radio, the forum is hosted by China Daily website under the guidance of the organizing committee of Sino-Russian Media Exchange Year and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.
Themed as "development and cooperation between Chinese and Russian internet new media organizations", the forum aims to enhance people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, create an information platform for the Belt and Road countries, enable relevant enterprises to hold dialogues and further promote development in the cultural, creative and information industries of the two nations.