Business > Innovative China > Related Readings
Village an urbanization model 2013-03-07
Local head says not all rural areas could replicate the experience

China considers more financial tools to aid urbanization 2013-03-06
/a> China may borrow overseas experiences to finance its massive urbanization over the next decades through asset securitization and municipal bonds in addition to bank loans, central banker Zhou Xiaochuan said on Wednesday.

National urbanization plan to come out in H1 2013-03-06
/a> China's national plan for urbanization may come out in the first half of this year, said Zhang Ping, minister of the National Development and Reform Commission.

China to issue urbanization layout in 2013 2013-03-06
China is likely to roll out a layout this year to guide the country's urbanization drive to advance in an "orderly and healthy" way, a senior economic official said.

Urbanize migrant workers, counties with government investment 2013-03-05
Government funding should be used mainly to boost economic development at county-level areas and promote social integration across urban and rural areas.

China hoping 'two sessions' balance urbanization 2013-03-02
Ding Guangying works and lives with his family in Shanghai, but they can hardly call the place home.

Urbanization, growth puts pressure on local governments 2013-03-01
/a> China seems to have been successfully preserving its own purity and integrity, but questions remain as to how long this can last.

Urbanization, growth puts pressure on local governments 2013-03-01
/a> While most major economies struggle amid the spreading debt crisis, China seems to have been successfully preserving its own purity and integrity, but questions remain as to how long this can last.

Blueprint and timetable for future 2013-02-28
Speeding up urbanization and expanding domestic demand invite strategic plan to push forward institutional reforms.

Cities need fiscal support in urbanization drive 2013-02-27
/a> Local governments need political incentives and fiscal support if they are to turn the country's 260 million migrants into urban citizens, as China's urbanization pace gathers steam, experts said.

More private capital needed at urbanization's disposal
Ningxia needs to engage as many private capital owners in urbanization as possible.

Li Daokui on urbanization in China
Those companies that can provide good services to housholds can gain development opportunities during urbanization.

Insurance to push urbanization drive
"People in urban and rural regions don't have equal access to basic public services. These problems will hinder China's urbanization process."

Western nations' urbanization model not for China
Chinese expert Li Yining takes questions from Nanfang Daily and comments on the country's urbanization drive.

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