Vice premier urges closer energy co-op with US

Updated: 2011-09-22 14:08


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BEIJING - Vice Premier Li Keqiang on Sept 21 called for closer China-US cooperation in developing clean and renewable energy, as well as advanced energy technology.

While meeting with visiting US Secretary of Energy Steven Chu in Beijing, Li said that as the world's major energy producers and consumers, China and the United States enjoy a broad consensus in maintaining the stability of global energy market.

Expanding China-US cooperation in the energy sector will not only boost bilateral relations, but also promote the stable growth of the world economy, Li said.

Praising the sound momentum of China-US energy cooperation, Li said China is committed to building a safe, stable, clean and economical energy industry during its 12th Five Year Plan period (2011-2015).

"The two countries should seize opportunities to define future cooperation, set up a long-term cooperation mechanism and facilitate bilateral cooperation in researching clean and renewable energy, as well as advanced energy technology," he said.

In response, Chu said improving US-China energy cooperation is in the interest of both sides. The United States hopes to work closely with China to promote bilateral energy cooperation among governments and enterprises, Chu said.