EU to raise tariffs on cheap goods from China

Updated: 2011-08-12 14:02

By Qiang Xiaoji (

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The European Union is considering raising tariffs on cheap goods from China, according to a warning issued by the Economic and Commercial Counselor's Office of the Embassy of China in Italy, Economic Information reported Thursday.

The warning is based on a five-year strategic blueprint, published by the EU in November last year, which emphasizes global trade competitiveness, The policies hope to promote economic growth in European countries and decrease the high unemployment rate.

According to the Counselor's Office, although the economy of the EU has been driven down by the debt crisis, trade between China and the EU has continued to develop at a fast pace. China, with its competitive advantage in labor costs, has increased its goods exported to the EU, but boycotts from the EU have also increased accordingly.

"A series of actions adopted by the EU this year suggests that tougher trade policies adopted towards China may increase the possibility of trade protectionism," said Bai Ming, an analyst at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, in an interview with the newspaper.