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Chinese banks' capital adequacy ratio reaches 11.4%: report

Updated: 2009-12-17 11:39
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Chinese banks reported 11.4 percent of capital adequacy ratio at the end of the third quarter, well above the international safety standard of 8 percent, which added evidence that the nation's banking industry was in good shape.

The banks' core assets capital adequacy ratio reached 9 percent, said a report posted on the website of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC).

Despite of the improved adequacy, bank credit excessively concentrated on certain sectors, which was the most prominent risks facing China's banking industry in the long run, said Wang Huaqing, a senior official of CBRC.

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China's banks extended 9.4 trillion yuan in the first three quarters, among which 61.6 percent were medium and long term loans.

"Banks pumped these loans mainly into infrastructure construction, property market and manufacturing sector," Wang said.

He said the country's banking regulator had always attached great importance to the prevention of concentration risks and strictly control the size of loans given to a particular customer.

He also estimated new loans would total 9.6 trillion yuan ($1.41 trillion) for the whole year.