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International fair for investment, trade opens in Xiamen
Updated: 2009-09-08 15:07

The 13th China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) opened on its ever-largest scale in Xiamen on Tuesday.

Ma kai, State councilor and secretary-general of the State Council, used a key to symbolically open a door to a hall in the fair's main venue.

The ceremony to mark the start of the fair also saw the presence of Li Wuwei, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Minister of Commerce (MOC) Chen Deming, and Edmund Ho Hau Wah, chief executive of China's Macao Special Administrative Region.

With the theme of boosting cross-border investment and pushing forward economic recovery, this year's fair has attracted 13,000 overseas businessmen, a record number, the CIFIT organizing committee said.

The fair this year covers 60,000 sq m, 8,000 sq m more than last year, with 2,800 exhibition booths, making it the largest in the fair's history.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Chen Deming said the 13th CIFIT highlighted greater international features and was of special significance, attracting nearly 50,000 guests from more than 100 countries and regions.

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A total of 23 forums are expected to be held, covering themes such as service outsourcing, government procurement, trade facilitation, green industry, risks control, and international investment protection.

The fair is sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce and organized by Fujian provincial government, the Xiamen government and the MOC Investment Promotion Bureau, with support from five international organizations.

Launched in 1997, CIFIT has become one of China's most influential international platforms for the promotion of investment.

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