BIZCHINA> BizChina Today
Scheduled cross-Straits flights to begin on Aug 31
Updated: 2009-08-10 17:11

Scheduled cross-Straits flights will begin on August 31, Taiwan aviation authorities said on Monday, the China News Service reported.

Related readings:
Scheduled cross-Straits flights to begin on Aug 31 First cross-strait weekend chartered flight takes off
Scheduled cross-Straits flights to begin on Aug 31 Weekend cross-Straits chartered flight takes off with mainland tourists

As a result, the number of passenger flights across the Straits each week will increase to 270. Currently there are approximately 108 flights a week, all of which are chartered flights.

In addition, the Chinese mainland has agreed to open Hefei, Harbin, Nanchang, Guiyang, Ningbo, and Jinan to flights to and from Taiwan by August 31 as well.

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