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Domain registrations rise 16% in 2008
By Tong Hao (
Updated: 2009-03-30 20:12

Businesses and individuals have registered 177 million domain names around the world by the end of 2008, a 16 percent increase year-on-year, a report said.

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The number of domain names registered in China has increased by 40 percent or so to 17 million, according to a report issued on March 30 by VeriSign, a leading provider of Internet infrastructure with domain name services as a core business.

However, new registrations in 2008 worldwide decreased compared to one year earlier. The report said on an average 11.9 million new domain names were registered in each quarter of 2008, while the figure in 2007 was 12.2 million.

According to the report, the decrease had something to do with the global financial crisis.

The two domain names ".com" and ".net" have the highest adoption rate all over the world. Their total registrations have exceeded 90.4 million by the end of 2008, a 12 percent increase over the previous year.

Besides, the report said usage rate of domain names is very high. Approximately 88 percent of ".com" and ".net" domain names transform to a website.

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