HK companies: get green or leave the Pearl River Delta

By Teddy Ng (China Daily)
Updated: 2007-01-31 09:57

And his efforts have not gone unnoticed.

The Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI) has recognized Tin Group Holdings with a Green Industrialist of the Year award.

Chai said his company was committed to corporate social responsibility. He also pointed out that environmental investment was necessary for company's growth.

The Group received the FHKI award after participating in all the seven of the federation's environmental initiatives, under which it invited factories to launch at least one "green" project per year. These could involve energy conservation, water management, waste reduction, recycling, air emissions, noise abatement and "green" management.

Chai said his company would demand that its suppliers notify the company if their goods contained any potentially harmful materials, such as radioactive substances.

"This is useful to remind us of whether we should take precautionary measures when handling the substances," he said.

The company will also check whether the suppliers have a return system, especially for containers used to ship chemicals.

"We would prefer the suppliers to take back such things for recycling," Chai said.

The company's suppliers also need to provide reports showing they had met environmental standards, and Tin Group Holdings would monitor their performance, he added

Chai added that all chemicals used in the production process would either be recycled or processed before being released.

Chai said concern for the environment is a key part of the group's staff training and performance evaluations.

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