BIZCHINA> Review & Analysis
Open Golden Week reform
(China Daily)
Updated: 2006-10-18 16:30

The public should be encouraged to voice their opinions about reforming the "Golden Week" holiday arrangement, says a signed article in Beijing Youth Daily. An excerpt follows:

A recent survey of 3,021 citizens showed that 61.2 per cent think a reform is necessary for the "Golden Weeks," the weeklong holidays beginning on May 1 and October 1 of every year.

Initiated in 1999, the "Golden Week" holiday system is now under increasing doubts. In the above survey, 73.6 per cent of respondents mentioned the over-crowded tourist attractions when asked about their impression of the holiday.

Admittedly, the holiday has resulted in a surge in tourism and individual consumption. But it also poses intensive pressure on the society: when everyone has to take a holiday at the same time, it is inevitable that many people are unable to enjoy the holiday as they would like.

Therefore, a reform of the "Golden Week" as it has existed for the past eight years is inevitable. And it is of utmost importance to involve the public in designing the reform.

If the public has no say in policy-making or lacks a deep knowledge of its background, the policy cannot be well accepted or fully implemented.

Therefore, it is necessary for the authorities to open public discussion on the problems of the "Golden Week" arrangement in the media, encourage the public to contribute their opinions and suggestions and include public advice into the final reform plan.

Public involvement in the choice of a reform plan will be helpful when the plan is carried out. A public evaluation of the new plan is also a good option after the new arrangement is put to practice.

Of course, the public should also be allowed to participate in the decision-making process for other public policies when the conditions are right. After all, it will protect public interests and promote the development of democracy in our society.

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