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Beijing bars shut for drugs
Updated: 2006-06-24 09:27

Two karaoke bars in Beijing have been shut down and seven more have been ordered to temporarily suspend business for alleged involvement in drug crimes.

In accordance with a campaign launched by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Public Security on June 1, any businesses found with solid evidence for drug abuse will be suspended from operation for six months and fined from 10,000 yuan (US$1,250) to 20,000 yuan. In serious cases their business licenses will be revoked.

The bureau on Thursday signed letters of responsibility with legal representatives of 18 places of entertainment over "good law enforcement and order" in a bid to stem illicit drug use at places such as bars and dance halls.

Fu Zhenghua, deputy director of the bureau, said they would sign similar letters of responsibility with 1,100 more operators of entertainment venues in the coming months.

The Law and Order Detachment has warned its branches that if drug abuse runs rampant at entertainment venues as a result of neglect of duty three times a year, they will hold officials in the respective areas' departments accountable.

Beijing officials also set up phones 01083552022/83552012 - and an email address - - to accept reports on drug abuse.

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