Celebrate Oktoberfest at Kempinski Hotel Beijing

It's that time again - Kempinski Hotel Beijing is inviting its guests and friends to celebrate Oktoberfest at Paulaner Bräuhaus, Beijing’s premier German restaurant. Since 1993, Paulaner Bräuhaus has hosted its own version of the famous Bavaraian festival, now an established Beijing tradition and one of the most anticpated events in the capital's social calander.

For 17 days until Oct 23, more than 400 guests daily will have the chance to experience this unique German folk festival and its colorful traditions. Enjoy hearty, traditional German cuisine and delicious Bavarian beer brewed on site that adheres strictly to the Bavarian Purity Law. Foot-tapping live entertainment comes courtesy of the Donautal Duo, Gardimax and the Munich Showgirls.

To mark the official opening of the festival, on Oct 6 Paulaner brewmaster Mr. Wolfgang Sesser tapped the first keg of Bavarian beer with Mr Stephan Interthal, the general manager of the hotel and one of the distinguished guest from German Embassy to declare the festival underway with the traditional cry "O' zapft is!", meaning 'it is tapped!' All visitors are then warmly invited to quench their thirst at Paulaner Bräuhaus until Oct 23.