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Faculty of International Law, China University of Political Science and Law
Updated: 2008-04-29 16:39

China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), with law subjects as the mainstay accompanied by many other disciplines like philosophy, economics, education and management,is one of the state"211 Project"universities as well as a state key university that directly under the Ministry of Education.

The predecessor of CUPL is Peking College of Political Science and Law founded in 1952 by the merger of disciplines of law, politics, and sociology of Peking University,Yenching University,Furen University and Tsinghua University.Mr. Qian Duansheng,the noted jurist and expert on political science,was its first president.Later in 1983,the school was renamed China University of Political Science and Law under the directive of the Central Government to"speed up the building of China University of Political Science and Law and make it the national center of political and legal education”.Comrade Deng Xiaoping inscribed the new name of the university.

After over 50 years of construction and development,there are currently 2 state key research bases of humanities and social sciences,1 key laboratory under Ministry of Education,1 Beijing research base of philosophy and social sciences, 1 mobile postdoctoral station,18 doctoral programs,45 master's programs and 17 undergraduate programs.With the approval of Ministry of Education,the university now enjoys the autonomy to establish undergraduate programs and enroll through selection undergraduate students and students with special skills in arts and sports. There are now altogether 18 schools (departments) under the university, namely,Law School,Civil,Commercial and Economical Law School,International Law School,College of Criminal Justice,Politics and the Public Administration School, Business School,Humanism School,School of Foreign Languages,School of Continuing Education,College of International Studies,School of Marxism,School of Sociology, School of Master of Law,School of American and Comparative Law,School of German and Comparative Law,School of International Confucianism,Department of Physical Education and Department of Science and Technology.Over 20000 students are currently studying in CUPL with a teaching staff of more than 1690,including about 830 full-time teachers which include 510 professors/associate professors, 126 doctorate advisors and 420 master advisors. It is notable that the teaching and research areas of its legal faculty cover almost all the second-class disciplines of law.

In its 50 years'development,the university upholds its motto of"keeping integrity and law in mind and studying for the public”,embraces the ideal of"promoting China 's social and political progress"and"building a socialist country under the rule of law”, and commits itself to earnest academic efforts and the nurturing of talents. With care and support from relevant state departments and all walks of society, the University has developed its own features in teaching, academic research, discipline set-up and other various areas, enjoying a prominent and all-round advantage in the studies of law. Now it has become China's important base of legal education and center of foreign exchange in law.

China University of Political Science and Law is a center for fostering high-quality talents in political science and law. In the past 50 years, it has provided the society with more than 200 thousand political and legal talents of high quality, most of whom have become the mainstay in the nation's organs in public security, prosecution, judiciary,justice, government, economic entities as well as in legal education and research.

As an important law research center of China,the university has created many of the firsts in terms of legal education in the new China since its founding.It is the first university to offer the discipline of legal history,civil commercial law,economic law,procedural law and comparative law.The first group of doctors in legal history also graduated here from CUPL.In the past 50 years,academic findings and achievements of CUPL have been constantly applied in China 's legislative and judicial practice.From the drafting of the 1954 Constitution of the People's Republic of China,to the promulgation of the Anti-Secession Law,the enactment and implementation of almost every major law of the Republic can reflect the work and efforts of CUPL people.Since 1978 when it was rehabilitated, over 1000 CUPL crew have participated in the deliberation and draft work of the nation's major legislations.At present,the university has 2 key research bases for humanity and social sciences under the Ministry of Education,1 Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Evidence Science,1 Rule-of-Law Government Beijing Research Base for Philosophy and Social Sciences and research institutes like Institute of Ancient Law Books Collation and Studies, Research Institute of Human Rights and humanitarian Law, and Research Institute of Comparative Law.

China University of Political Science and Law is the exchange center in law between China and the rest of the world.Since China 's reform and opening up,the university has established exchange and cooperative ties with over 70 universities from 20 countries and regions.It is currently home to over 750 overseas students from 18 countries and regions.

In the past 50 years,China University of Political Science and Law has played a unique and irreplaceable role in consolidating the political power of the Republic,safeguarding social stability and promoting political and legal progress of the country.It has made special contribution to the innovation and development of legal education and research.The university enjoys a special historical position and shoulders an important historical mission in the social progress of building political civilization and a country under rule of law.The university has received great attention and care from the party and leaders of the country all the way through its development.When the university was rehabilitated in 1983,the central governmental gave a definite instruction to"build China University of Political Science and Law into a national political and legal education center,law research center and law books and information center”.Vice Premier Li Lanqing visited the university in 1995 and 2002 and highly praised the construction and development of the university and said"China University of Political Science and Law is China's highest institution in law”.In 2002,Party General Secretary Jiang Zemin and National People's Congress (NPC) Chairman Li Peng wrote words in commemoration of its 50th anniversary.State Councilor and former Minister of Education Chen Zhili attended the ceremonial of the 50 th anniversary and made an important speech.In April 2005,Li Tieying — NPC vice chairman and Zhou Ji — Minister of Education visited our university and gave high recognition. Li Tieying commended the university by saying"China University of Political Science and Law is the best assistant of NPC”

In the 21 st century,in the new context of the reform of higher education, according to the new requirements of legal education based on the strategy of"rule of law”,China University of Political Science and Law has voluntarily readjusted its development strategy,further clarified its orientation and goals and put forward the philosophy of"making teaching the core task,students the main body,talent training the main task and reform and innovation the driving force for development"to run the university.It plans to finish in 20 years time 3 historical tasks, namely,to comprehensive improve the core competitiveness of the university,to improve the overall strength of the university and to promote the modernization of every aspect of the university, and vitalize CUPL by focusing on strengthening law education, and build the university into a multi-disciplinary, research-oriented,open and unique world-renowned high-level university and China's legal education center, law research center,law books and information center, national legislation and decision-making advisory center as well as international law and culture exchange center.

International student education

1.LL.M Programs

1) The Program

The program is formally known as LLM in Chinese and Comparative Law.Students are able pursue their interests in either commercial law or general comparative law by choosing different courses offered by the program.

2) Purpose

The purpose of the program is to provide advanced and practical knowledge of Chinese law to students & practitioners across the world, who feel more comfortable in using English as a medium of study. To promote further, wider legal exchange and co-operation between CUPL and foreign students or practitioners is also one of the major concerns of the program.

3)Admission Requirements

The program is open only to students outside mainland China. Anyone with a formal undergraduate degree as recognized by the Ministry of Education of China is welcome to apply for admission. An undergraduate degree in law is, however, an advantage.

4) Period of Study

The program is normally for two years. However,a student who has obtained the necessary credits for graduation is able to complete the course in one or one and half year’s time. Please see next section on the courses offered and credits awarded to each course for detail. The Faculty of International Law undertakes to provide sufficient courses, including Summer Courses, for students who wish to complete the program in a period of time shorter than two years.

5)Curriculum and Credits Awarded

A LLM candidate must obtain a minimum of 26 credits to fulfill the requirements for the award of the LLM in Chinese and Comparative Law (English Mode). Students can obtain credits by attending lectures or seminars and writing research papers as directed by their supervisor. The credits for each course offered by the program are set out as follows:

1) Compulsory subjects (3 credits each, 12 credits in total)

Ø Introduction to Chinese Law 54 contact hours

Ø Chinese Constitutional and Administrative Law 54 contact hours

Ø Chinese Contract Law 54 contact hours

Ø Foreign Investment Law of China 54 contact hours

2) Optional subjects (2 credits each, optional courses offered each term may be adjusted depending on the availability of lecturers)

Ø Human Rights in China 36 contact hours

Ø Criminal Law and Criminal Procedures 36 contact hours

Ø Civil Law and Civil Procedures 36 contact hours

Ø Company Law of China 36 contact hours

Ø Intellectual Property Law of China 36 contact hours

Ø International Law and Chinese Practices 36 contact hours

Ø China and Law of WTO 36 contact hours

Ø Arbitration Law of China 36 contact hours

Ø Maritime Law of China 36 contact hours

Ø Securities Law of China 36 contact hours

Ø Competition Law of China 36 contact hours

Ø Commercial Laws of Mainland China and

Hong Kong in Comparison 36 contact hours

Students may obtain credits by writing study reports and research papers. During the course of study, each student must complete as least two study reports and two annual research papers (each carries 1 credit). Students may also attend prescribed public seminars and be accredited for so doing.

The staff in the Overseas Development Office, Faculty of International Law, will provide advice to each candidate on how to organize his or her study plan.

6)Mode of Teaching for Taught Courses

Intensive teaching on Saturday and Sunday (7 hours/per day) is the major mode of teaching for taught courses. Summer courses may also be available depending on the availability of the lecturer and the demand from students.

7)Dissertation and Supervision

A LLM candidate must submit a dissertation of about 30,000 words in length to fulfill the requirements for the LLM degree. Only those candidates who have acquired minimum credits for graduation and defended their LLM dissertations successfully in front of an examination panel of three members are eligible for the award of LLM in Chinese and Comparative Law. A LLM candidate will be assigned a supervisor during the course of his/her study, and the supervisor is responsible for guiding the candidate’s researches and dissertations.

8)Cost of Study

The total cost for the award of the LLM in Chinese and Comparative law is RMB87,000, covering the minimum courses (or equivalents) for 26 credits and a LLM dissertation.

2. PhD in International and Comparative Law (English Mode)

1)The Program

The program is formally known as PhD in Law, majoring in International and Comparative Law. The program welcomes research proposals in a wide range of research areas, such as international law, comparative law, commercial law, human rights law, maritime law, law of WTO, law of the seas, international environmental law, and etc.


The purpose of the program is to provide advanced academic trainings to candidates who feel more comfortable in using English as a medium of study. To promote advanced and high leveled legal exchange and co-operation between CUPL and foreign students or academics is also one of the major concerns of the program.

3) Admission Requirements

The program is open only to students outside mainland China.The applicant must possess a formal master degree recognized by the Ministry of Education of China, and demonstrate an ability to pursue independent academic researches in the area of study as proposed by him/her. Due consideration will be given to the relevance between the applicant’s educational backgrounds and working experiences on one hand, and the proposed research area on the other.

4) Period of Study

A PhD degree normally takes about three years to complete. An extension of time may be available upon the request by the relevant candidate, and the maximum period of study is six years from the date of admission. In case of extension, an extension fee as determined by the program shall apply.

5)Curriculum and Credits Awarded

A PhD candidate must obtain a minimum of 11 credits to fulfill the requirements for the award of the PhD degree. A candidate may obtain credits by attending designated courses and writing research papers as directed by his/her supervisor. The courses offered to PhD students are set out as follows:

Ø Introduction to Chinese Law(compulsory), 3 credits, 54 contact hours

Ø Two special courses as designated or offered by supervisor, each course may carry 2-3 credits depending on actual contact hours (36 or 54 contact hours).

Besides the compulsory course of Introduction to Chinese Law, the supervisor of a PhD candidate shall direct the candidate to take any of the courses offered in the LLM program as she/he deems necessary for the completion of the proposed PhD research. The supervisor may also decide to offer a special course relating to the area of research as proposed by the candidate. Each PhD candidate must submit at least two study reports and two annual research papers during the term of his/her candidacy. Each of such report or paper is worth 1 credit. A candidate must obtain a minimum of 11 credits by attending taught courses and writing study reports and annual research papers to be qualified for the submission of his/her PhD dissertation.

6)Mode of Teaching for Taught Courses

Intensive teaching on Saturday and Sunday (7 hours/per day) is the major mode of teaching for taught courses. Summer courses may also be available depending on the availability of the lecturer and the demand from students. The mode of teaching for the special course offered by each supervisor is determined by the supervisor in consultation with the candidate(s) concerned.

7)Dissertation and Supervision

A PhD candidate must submit a dissertation of about 120,000 words in length to fulfill the requirements for the award of the PhD degree. A supervisory panel consisting of 3 academic members of the Faculty of International Law, CUPL, will be appointed for each PhD candidate during the first academic year of his/her candidacy. An outside member may be invited to join the supervisory panel as the Dean of the Faculty of International Law deems necessary. A candidate must have obtained the minimum 11 credits for graduation and defended his/her dissertation successfully in front a panel of five members before the PhD degree can be awarded.

8)Cost of Study

The total cost for the award of the PhD in Law is RMB99,000 for a standard 3-year program.

9)Application for Admission(for LL.M and PhD)

Potential candidates should apply for admission at least one month before the beginning of the Fall and Springing semester. An application fee of US$150 (non-refundable) applies.

Inquiries and applications should be made to:

Overseas Development Office,

Faculty of International Law, CUPL

No. 25 Xi Tu Cheng Road

Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China 100088

Fax: +86 10 58908384

Tel : +86 10 58908384

For more information about our LLM in Chinese and Comparative Law and PhD in International programs and the Faculty of International Law, CUPL, please go to our website at: for Chinese version, and for English version.