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Updated: 2006-04-29 14:14
Frequently Asked Questions

Q:ADMISSION -- What are your admission requirements?
A:All Programs offered by Chinese schools are open to all persons worldwide provided they are:
Ⅰ. 18 to 60 years old (with exceptions)
Ⅱ. Have completed high school
Ⅲ. In good health.

Q:COURSE CREDIT -- Can I receive university / college credit for course work conducted in those programs?
A:All the universities & academies in our website are preeminent in their fields, and have cooperative arrangements with numerous universities and research institutions around the world. If you like contact the school teacher and let him to assist you in obtaining any information and documentation required supporting their request for course credit. The final decision to offer academic credit is up to your university.

Q:FOOD -- How much do meals cost?
A:The cafeteria on campus offers single dish meals with rice for as little as 4RMB (US$50) per meal. Chinese restaurants on campus and in the local area offer meals for 10 - 20RMB (US$1-3) per person. Western restaurants cost between 50 and 100RMB (US$5-10) per person per meal.

Q:INTERNET -- How can I get access to the Internet?
A:The school helps arrange in-room Internet access for the students in the residence.

Q:MONEY -- What other types of expenses should I plan for while in China?
A:Entertainment in China is generally inexpensive. Transportation options include the public bus (which costs 1-2RMB per ride) and subway (2-4RMB per ride), as well as taxi service which costs 10RMB (US$1.25) for short distances and up to 30RMB to go across town or downtown. Many students also opt to buy bicycles while they are in China. Bicycles are the most prevalent mode of transport in China and the flat topography makes most cities ideal for this type of transportation. New bicycles can be purchased for around 200RMB (US$25).

Q:MONEY -- How can I get or exchange money while I am in China?
A:You may bring money with you, either in the form of cash or traveler's checks. ATM machines are available at limited Bank of China and CITIC Industrial Bank locations (downtown), or cash advances can be drawn over the counter at most large banks for a transaction charge. Major hotels and most fine restaurants and stores now accept credit cards. Students enrolling for longer courses may wish to open a bank account through the Industrial & Commercial Bank on campus and transfer funds from accounts in their home country.

Q:PREPARATIONS -- What do I need to bring with me?
A:Today in China you can find almost any product and brand that you would find at home. Soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. are all readily available. We recommend that you bring any prescription medication in sufficient quantities to last for the duration of your visit and any preferred brands of over-the-counter medications (cold & flu tablets, etc.) Clothing is also plentiful and very inexpensive. Shoes are available, but larger sizes are hard to find.

Q:VACCINATIONS -- What vaccinations do I need for China?
A:The following vaccinations and applicable frequencies are recommended for students coming to China: Hepatitis A (within previous 10 years); Hepatitis B (within previous 5 to 10 years), Japanese B Encephalitis (within previous 3 years); Tetanus (within previous 10 years); Polio (within previous 10 years); and Typhoid (once in lifetime). Students 55 and older should also have a Pneumococcal Vaccine.