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Bud Greenspan promotes Olympics
Updated: 2006-09-15 14:59

Bud Greenspan, a famous sports filmmaker and a legendary figure in the Olympic history, gave a thoughtful lecture on the Olympics in Remin University of China on Thursday.

Bud Greenspan presents his submission to be a volunteer for the 2008 Olympics. [BOCOG]

Before the lecture, he presented his submission to get registered as a volunteer for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

He recalled the splendid days in the Olympic history through documentary films and informed attendees of the preparatory work that Beijing is doing for the 29th Olympiad, raising students' interest in the Olympic Movement.

As his 80th birthday was only four days away on Sept. 18, Greenspan was particularly happy when the students presented him bunches of flowers and a birthday cake.

Bud Greenspan is the world-renowned writer, producer and director of sports films, and one of the world's leading sports historians. He won the Emmy Award several times and a Peabody Award, America's highest honor paid to film and television producers.