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Olympic Marketing
Updated: 2006-08-27 14:09

Olympic Sponsorship

Olympic Sponsorship is a relationship between the Olympic Movement and corporations intended to generate support for the Olympic Movement and the Olympic Games and, in return, benefit the sponsor.

Sponsorship contributes more than 40% of Olympic marketing revenue. Each level of sponsorship entitles companies to different marketing rights in various regions, category exclusivity and the use of designated Olympic images and marks.

The Olympic Movement works continually to protect and promote the rights of sponsors.The future of Olympic Marketing

Structure of Olympic Marketing

Effective from June 2005, Meridian Management SA has changed its name to IOC Television & Marketing Services SA. IOC Television & Marketing Services SA, headed by Managing Director Timo Lumme, is wholly owned by the IOC.

IOC Television & Marketing Services SA is responsible for a broad portfolio including the development and implementation of the Olympic broadcast rights and marketing strategy. This includes the negotiation of Olympic broadcast rights and TOP sponsor contracts, and the management and servicing of the TOP Programme and Olympic brand management.

The offices of IOC Television & Marketing Services SA will continue to be located in Lausanne and Signy in Switzerland and Atlanta in the United States of America.
