'Smile' wristlets for volunteers want meanings(BOCOG)Updated: 2006-10-31 15:26 A test version of "Smile"-themed bracelets for Olympic Volunteers was revealed during an activity held at the Juyongguan section of the Great Wall on Sunday.
The "Smile" bracelets are a series of soft plastic bracelets in the five Olympic colors. They are designed for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Volunteers, and are printed with the Olympic Volunteer logo and the slogan "A smile is the best calling card for Beijing." The idea for the "Smile" bracelets was initiated by the Beijing Volunteers Association (BVA). According to the BVA, 20,000 questionnaires regarding the bracelet are being handed out to Beijing citizens, looking for suggestions for the meaning that could be associated with each bracelet colour. Each person who sends in their suggestions will receive a "Smile" bracelet. The final version of the bracelet will be issued on January 1st.