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Ozone layer protection: Olympic sponsors in action

Updated: 2006-10-12 14:27
Sponsors of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, in messages conveyed to the organizing committee (BOCOG), expressed their will to do their best to make the Games ozone friendly.

Seeing ozone layer protection one of the most important efforts to implement the concept of "Green Olympics," BOCOG has worked with UNEP-OzonAction Program and the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) for the course. As a result, a number of guidebooks were compiled for the purpose in venue construction, marketing, catering and other areas.

In recent moves to protect the ozone layer, BOCOG advised Worldwide Olympic Partners Coca Cola and Mc Donald's, Beijing 2008 Olympic partner Volkswagen (China) and sponsor Haier to carry out the effort in their own businesses.

In response, Volkswagen (China) promised that R134a or a better refrigerant will be used in the air-conditioning system of the vehicles it provides for the Games during the Games-time. The 1,1,1, 2-Tetrafluoroethane, also known as R134a, is a new type of refrigerant that has insignificant ozone depletion potential in contrast with Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) compounds, which is believed to cause damage to the ozone layer, and is commonly applied in developed countries. CFC was no longer used in Volkswagen's auto air conditioners since 2002.

Coca Cola is mooting to partially adopt such natural refrigerants as carbon dioxide other than ozone depleting substances (ODS) for nearly 4,000 freezers to be provided during the Games.

In addition to its pledge not to use any ODS during the Games, Mc Donald's currently has a team dedicated to dealing with the use of any ODS.

China's top home appliance manufacturer Haier is planning to develop a new generation of refrigerators by adopting natural refrigerants from solar energy. So far, all refrigerators produced by the company do not use CFC.

BOCOG will continue to collaborate and do follow-up checks with the sponsors in the days to come.